ELM-VE Home Page
Jul. 11, 2010
Kenji Saito
ELM-VE is a server-client system which provides 3D virtual environments
based on Java. The virtual environment is simple, but it has high
extendibility. Users can construct their original class and insert it's
instance into the virtual space. ELM-VE has three clients (text based
client, Swing based client and Java3D based client) and these clients
can access the same server at the same time. Users can construct a new
type of client, if they wish. ELM-VE enables us to implements educational
virtual environments or simple physical simulations.
Required softwares
ELM-VE requires following softwares.
- Java2 SDK, Standard Edition, v 1.5 or later
- Java3d
ELM-VE contains following softwares.
- CVSROOT: :pserver:anonymous@elm-ve.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/elm-ve
- password: <none>
- repository: elmve